FI Datacenter

When picking a data center, its position will likely be one of the key factors - you can choose a seemingly fantastic place, which can turn out to be a flood sector or perhaps an earthquake hotspot. Or the given country may have an unstable political environment. That is why we've selected Finland as a spot for our next data center. This is a country having a steady political climate; it is far away from seismic hotspots and flooding isn't a problem there.

Our Finnish data center is situated in an ex military facility. It is located in an underground cave which is capable to hold up against aerial strike or EMP blasts. This will essentially ensure that your web site will keep functioning regardless of what occurs with the outside world.

Aside from its strategic place and security features, the Finnish data center also provides incredible online connectivity with the world and particularly with Russia and Northern/Central Europe. It's a great choice when you wish to expand your worldwide web presence in the aforementioned areas and to supply your customers with outstanding connection rates.

  • Domain Names

  • .ORG - $19.00/year
  • .INFO - $24.50/year
  • .BIZ - $21.50/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Shared Website Hosting in Finland

If you're looking for a truly hassle-free shared website hosting service, then you have come to the perfect place. When you have a shared website hosting account inside our Finnish data center, not only will your web site be protected from any natural disaster or an aerial assault, but you will furthermore experience a 99.9% service uptime along with a 99.9% network uptime. A 24/7 technical support service backed up by a 1-hour response time warranty is comes as standard.

Another benefit of hosting your web site with WeomiHost is that all your web sites and applications will also have an amazing speed increase. All our servers come with quick NVMe drives offering incredible write/read speeds and rely on a file system (ZFS), that's engineered in such a way as to make the most of the benefits available from the NVMe drives. Also in our easy to use Hepsia Control Panel we've also included a selection of website accelerators to further increase the loading speed of your sites.

OpenVZ VPS Servers In Finland

If you are searching for a risk-free VPS website hosting experience, check out our OpenVZ VPS Servers inside our Finnish data center. They offer unrivaled levels of safety. Not only will your sites be located in an underground data center, which is, in fact, an ex-military facility, but they will also be shielded by a powerful internal network. And with our Web Hosting Control Panel, you'll receive a collection of firewalls, that can filter inbound and outbound connections.

Aside from the powerful security layer, our OpenVZ VPS servers come with extremely powerful hardware and very fast NVMe drives. Their processing power is equal to a dedicated server, however they are available at a lower price.


 CPU Core(s)
 Disk Space
 Monthly Traffic

Semi-dedicated Servers In Finland

If you wish to get a website hosting solution that's both very efficient and very convenient to use, then our semi-dedicated servers are the solution. Housed inside our Finnish data center, they combine the effectiveness of a dedicated server (without the accompanying server administration duties) with the user-friendliness of a standard shared web hosting account (you can control a semi-dedicated server similarly to a regular hosting account when you use the revolutionary Web Hosting Control Panel).

All semi-dedicated servers in our Finnish data center feature 99.9% server and network uptime guarantees. Furthermore, you will benefit from top-notch connectivity with the Northern European countries and with Russia.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Top-grade cloud hosting services in Finland. Enjoy a warranted 99.9% service uptime, a 99.9% network uptime and a fantastic 24/7 tech support service.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • Inside our Finnish data center, we offer a variety of cloud hosting packages. Look at their prices and benefits and pick the one that suits you best.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • If you are searching for a warranted uptime, an easy to use Control Panel and then a tech support team that will always be there for you, then you are at just the right place.
  • Contact Us

  • If you need further information, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our representatives will be prepared to answer questions you have.