A distinctly better server resource usage

Server resources exclusively for your very own use

By removing the need for an extra virtualization layer through which the entire communication with the mother server is routed, KVM-based Virtual Private Servers can benefit from a noticeably improved server resource utilization. With KVM, the virtualization commands are put straight into the host OS kernel itself, which goes to say that all KVM VPSs can interact directly with the physical machine’s central processing unit (CPU). Virtio disk and network drivers, on the other hand, cut out any needles emulation on the host. This trimmed communication redundancy allows for a far faster real-life performance in comparison with other virtualization technologies.
A distinctly better server resource usage

Thoroughly unrestrained Operating System freedom

Run whatever OS you wish

Typically, when you order a virtual server, you get to select from a limited set of OSs, as they’re the only ones supported by the virtualization software. KVM-based Virtual Private Servers, however, don’t require any type of virtualization software – they interact directly with the physical host server’s hardware components, which suggests that you can choose practically any OS that can run on the given server. Do you wish to install BSD on your Virtual Private Server? It can be achieved.
Thoroughly unrestrained Operating System freedom

A trailblazing virtualization platform

A kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) virtualization

The most significant benefit of the KVM server virtualization platform is that it’s built directly into the physical host server’s Operating System, abolishing the requirement for any additional virtualization layer. This goes to say that there’s no necessity for an additional software program that rests between the host server and the virtual machines that have been created. This also eliminates the virtualization layer as a possible single point of failure (SPOF). All this results in faster and significantly more stable KVM-based Virtual Private Servers as compared to other Virtual Private Servers.
A trailblazing virtualization platform

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Solutions

Your multi–media loaded website will now get really quick

Each individual Linux KVM virtual private server offered by WeomiHost is provided with lightning–fast NVMes. They enable much faster data file admittance and a lot speedier read/write data transfer speeds compared with the ordinary hard disks. In fact, these NVMes can make your websites stream at a higher speed. What’s even more you will not need to adjust a single thing for you to make use of the advantages offered by the NVMe disks.

NVMe–established VPS Hosting Solutions

Total Root/administrator Access to the Server to the Hosting Server

100% access to to each component of your server

Having complete root privileges to the Linux KVM virtual private server (with cPanel), you could easily become an admin of your own personal server environment. This degree of access will allow you to deploy an OS or enhance the Apache server controls. You can also install various software apps and reboot the hosting server whenever you want to. With our Installation & Troubleshooting offer, you can easily leave this hard work to our experienced sys admins.

Total Root/administrator Access to the Server to the Hosting Server

Capabilities of Your VPS

Be in complete control of your virtual hosting server platform

Each one of our Linux KVM VPS servers is built with all the major settings that you may need to be able to take care of your multi–media intensive online presence. You will be given a variety of Linux OS versions, lots of storage resources and a group of gratis software instruments, including a dedicated IP and even a domain name marketer profile. Hence, no matter whether you choose to host 1 resource–demanding web site or a small–scale web application hosting server, or you like to also initiate your own reseller hosting firm, you will have all you need right at your fingertips.

Capabilities of Your VPS

Cost Free Extras

A gratis dedicated IP, a domain merchant account plus much more

Obtain more value for your bucks. With every Linux KVM virtual private server, you can get a number of free–of–charge addons – a dedicated IP address for your website; a domain reseller account – in the event you need to get into the website hosting or domain name reseller sector.

Cost Free Extras

A Range of Linux OS’s

Just inform us what’s your desired Linux distribution

You can choose between various Linux distributions for your Linux KVM virtual private server – CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian.

A Range of Linux OS’s

Our Service Warranties

twenty–four–seven help and support and no installation service fees

Your own Linux KVM virtual private server will be set up in about one hour following registration. We don’t bill you any startup service fees, so the fee you find on our website is the final cost for the VPS. We have spent time and effort in making our own indoor networking and we are able to ensure a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. In the event you demand help with the pre–installed apps, you could make use of our assistance service 24 hours.

Our Service Warranties

Server Data Backup

A straightforward and protected way to preserve important information

There isn’t anything more aggravating than losing your info on the hosting server by mistake and being unaware of how you can have it all back. Each of the Linux KVM VPS servers is duplicated by our system admins on a routine schedule and can be restored at any time. It means that we make a backup copy of all the things on your web hosting server – from your site’s favicon to your Apache and PHP configurations.

Server Data Backup

Installation & Problem–Solving

Have qualified advice by our sys admins

If you like to add an application for your website but do not know how , alternatively if you have a truly tricky problem with your site that you don’t know how you can deal with, you should take full advantage of our Setup & Problem–solving pack. Our admins will help you set up various software package that you prefer and will try their best to deal with any web hosting server situation that you might have within mins.

Installation & Problem–Solving

A zero cost Dedicated IP

One unique completely free dedicated IP address with each virtual machine

With every Linux KVM virtual private server, you will receive 1 zero cost dedicated IP.

A zero cost Dedicated IP

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Earn money thanks to your server

Experience the potential of the WeomiHost web hosting Control Panel in starting your very own reseller web hosting brand seamlessly. Utilize the Manage Accounts functionality to create as many as five autonomous sub-accounts, each ready for selling to your chosen target customers. Even if reselling web hosting isn't your primary objective, making use of extra client accounts can effectively balance out recurring expenses related to the server. Please bear in mind that while Managed Assistance packages are provided, help with billing or client support is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools