Our Website Installer will help you create your individual or business web site featuring its exceptional design straight away. Just simply choose the form of website you need to launch and then simply choose your design from the rich line of website templates and simply click on the installation button. Your brand–new web site will go online in seconds. Using the log–in info we provide you with, it will be possible to efficiently add photos and place your own textual content with simply a a click. If you would like help submitting your web site or editing its contents, just simply get hold of our technical support team 24 hours using the ticket system.

You will find the Website Installer inside the WeomiHost Website Control Panel that comes with every single shared website hosting, VPS servers, semi-dedicated servers, and dedicated servers package on our online store.

A comfortable Website Installer

Making a website is as basic as one–two–three

Setting up a site from the start could be challenging unless you possess at least an elementary level of CSS and HTML practical knowledge. You should know something PHP and JavaScript also. Using our Website Installer, you don’t need to have any programming practical knowledge to start a custom web site. You can select among over 200 templates and swiftly alter the selected web template according to your preferences with no need to compose any kind of code in the backend.

If you don’t enjoy the result – return and start up again. It requires simply four easy steps, and when you arrive at step 4 – you will get your website ready to go.

Easy-to-use Website Installer

Over 200 Design Themes to pick from

Choose the best style for your site

While in the Website Control Panel, you can find a number of simple to customize themes for use on your individual and/or organization website. Regardless of whether you want to start your individual blogging site, community website or a business account, you will find a ready made design option for you you can additional personalize according to your preferences.

Our designers are implementing unique templates, so we are going to be upgrading the set consistently.

200+ Free Templates

24–hours–a–day Technical Support

The tech professionals are at your convenience around the clock

The technical support staff comprises of professionals that have worked several years in the website hosting industry. They’re trained to control all types of challenges and can be found 24x7x365, willing to guide you. Moreover, we have Regularly Asked Questions and a lot of educational videos.

Plus, we provide a one–hour response time frame guarantee, so that you will definitely get an answer to your issue at the earliest opportunity. The regular reaction time frame is within 20 minutes.

24/7 Support