We have integrated a group of Website Accelerator Instruments to your Website Control Panel to help you easily increase the online efficiency of your sites. You won’t need to modify anything in the back–end code or come up with specific configuration settings that need specialized experience from you. Inside the Website Control Panel, only pick the tool you wish to take advantage of – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js and create an instance for it. It’s all done with a mouse click. By speeding up your websites, won’t just stop your clients from being required to wait but can even help your website rank higher in search engine rankings.

You will find the Website Accelerator Instruments in the Advanced Applications part of the Website Control Panel.


RAM–memorizing as opposed to database queries

The Memcached platform is good for boosting site streaming speeds by caching the database info that is requested from your website visitors. It’s a potent distributed memory object caching platform, allowing for info and objects to be stored within the RAM in place of being requested every time a user goes to a webpage.

This platform is great for your database–loaded websites or web apps where your web visitors devote lots of time browsing and also loading content. Memcached can be found in the advanced applications part of the Website Control Panel.

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RAM–caching as an alternative for HTTP queries

Utilizing the Varnish web accelerator instrument built into the Website Control Panel, you can make your web site web pages load better for your customers. All adjustments are performed by using a straightforward interface, without the need to generate any direct alterations to the code of the web site.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration tool that will help the pages stream quicker by storing them inside the server’s memory. By doing this, right after a web page has been loaded by a visitor once, it won’t have to be brought by the hosting server any further, which lessens website loading times and boosts your web pages. It has been measured that Varnish often hastens website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

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Develop adaptable apps without hassle

Node.js comes with an up–to–date development platform for forming scalable web applications and web sites in record time. It can be employed for nearly anything – from controlling API calls, streaming data and also parsing emails to transforming pics, music files, video clips and office documents.

It is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and takes advantage of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it lightweight and efficient. Furthermore, Node.js has got a significant assistance community that produces frequent upgrades to the program and is always able to provide support.

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