If you are a website owner, a problem might always emerge and it doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the web hosting service itself. For instance, something might go wrong when you update an app or some crucial content can be modified or deleted incidentally. No matter what the essence of the problem is, you will need to touch base with the respective tech support team and ask them to retrieve a backup or to help you solve the problem that you are encountering. How quickly they’ll do this will predetermine the length of time that your sites will be down. For particular websites like community websites or web stores, a prolonged outage duration often equals lost users and money. With this in mind, it is vital to use the services of a web hosting company that provides not only a very good technical support service, but also a fast one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
Our shared website hosting include a sixty-minute reply time guarantee, which suggests that irrespective of what question or issue you might have, we’ll always be there to lend a helping hand. Actually, it seldom takes more than half an hour to get an issue solved or a query answered, and this is valid for both sales and technical matters. Our technical support team members will be at your service 24/7, even on national holidays and weekends, so you’ll always receive immediate help. We know precisely how priceless time can be, so by the time we answer your e-mail or support ticket, we will have enquired into the matter and, in case we haven’t discovered a solution, we will provide you with more details on what you have to do on your end – when the circumstances necessitate it. With our support service, you can rest assured that there will be somebody to help you right away, no matter what time of day or night it is.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our technical support team representatives are available at all times and they will respond to any ticket that you post through the web hosting Control Panel within maximum one hour. The ticket response time is guaranteed irrespective of whether you have a generic query in regards to your semi-dedicated server or you confront some obstacle and for most issues you won’t have to wait even that long. No matter what the nature of the issue is or what time it is, we will be there to assist you, as we’re available 365 days a year to address any billing, general or technical issue. In case you get in touch with us about anything that is within our capacity, we will solve it before we answer, so you will not have to wait for hours or even days while the problem persists. In case there is something that you have to do on your end, we’ll give you the necessary info – what workable solutions to try, what steps to take, etc.