SPF, which means Sender Policy Framework, is an email security system, that is used to verify whether an e-mail message was sent by a licensed server. Using SPF protection for a domain will prevent the faking of emails created with the domain. In simple words: activating this feature for a domain name creates a specific record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that contains the IP addresses of the servers which are allowed to send e-mails from mailboxes under the domain. The moment this record propagates globally, it will exist on all DNS servers that route the Internet traffic. Any time an e-mail message is sent, the first DNS server it goes through tests if it originates from an accredited server. In the event it does, it is sent to the destination address, however when it doesn't come from a server listed in the SPF record for the particular domain, it's discarded. In this way nobody can mask an e-mail address and make it look as if you are distributing spam messages. This technique is also called email spoofing.
SPF Protection in Shared Website Hosting
When you host your domain names in a shared website hosting account on our end and we handle the e-mails for them, you are able to activate SPF protection for all of them with a few clicks inside your Hepsia Control Panel. This service is accessible in its own section where you are able to view which domain names are currently protected. For the ones which aren't, you'll be able to activate the SPF protection service and manage a number of things during this process - the hostnames of the mail servers that are allowed to send messages from your mailboxes, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of these servers, as well as to set a rule that email messages can be sent only when your domain names have our MX records. The last mentioned choice is the most secure one, but it can be used when we handle the email addresses for your domains and do not use another e-mail provider. The new records will propagate within 24 hours and nobody will be able to forge the FROM field in a message with your e-mail addresses.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you have a semi-dedicated server account from us, you will be able to secure your email addresses by activating the SPF protection service for every domain name in your account with just a couple of clicks. This can be done in the Emails section of our Hepsia Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts and even if you have no previous practical experience with these kinds of things, you will not have any trouble to enable the protection. All that you will need to do will be to choose a domain from a drop-down list then type in the mail server hostname and IPv4 or IPv6 address. As soon as the updated record propagates, messages from your emails will be mailed worldwide only if they are sent from that particular server. In case your emails are handled by us and not by some third-party supplier, you can also use an option for emails to be sent only if the domain includes our MX records and this is the safest option. Should you have any questions regarding thisfunction, you will be able to contact our tech support crew 24/7.