As a website is used to share information with the online world or to get more clients if you offer goods and/or services, it is important to know how it is performing. What you need for that is a detailed log of the visits to the site - how many new individuals have opened it, how many have made a comeback, what web pages they have visited etc. It will also be very beneficial if you know how people discovered your website, specifically if you are running an advertising campaign, since you'll be able to see if people have opened your Internet site directly or if they were referred by an Internet search engine or a site in which you advertise. This sort of information will enable you to improve the performance of the site and, if necessary, adjust your marketing strategies if various parts of the Internet site should be getting more visitors. Having detailed stats provides you with a better perception of how your site is doing and a better control over your online presence.
Web & FTP Statistics in Shared Website Hosting
The Webalizer and AWStats programs, offered with all of our shared website hosting, will provide you with thorough hourly, daily and per month reports regarding the number of visitors on any website hosted within your account. You may access this data with several clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel and see neat graphs and tables. You could save/download them, if required. The reports include a lot more than simply the total number of visits, though - you could keep tabs on the length of time the website visitors spent on your site, the first and the last page they opened, the web pages that got most hits, the visitors’ IPs and country, the referring search engines, the keywords which were used, etcetera. This data will provide you with a far greater perception of how your Internet sites are doing and which elements have to be improved, as well as information about the success of any promotional initiatives you may be running.
Web & FTP Statistics in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated servers include a couple of apps that will give you a detailed picture of the general performance of all the websites hosted within your account. They are named AWStats and Webalizer, and they shall offer you all the data that you may need. The information is very detailed, so in addition to the conventional per month, daily and hourly visitor statistics, you shall also be able to look at things such as the most popular first and last page seen by your website visitors, the search engines which sent them to your website along with the keywords they were searching for, the world-wide web browser and the OS they were using, and a lot more. Using this information will allow you to figure out which elements of the site perform worse than the others, so that you can take measures and improve the content, so as to make it more interesting for visitors. You can even adapt your marketing and advertising campaigns accordingly to boost the incoming traffic to these pages.